Pop-up campsite booking software
Are you opening a pop-up campsite to take advantage of the government extension of temporary permissions from 28 to 56 days in 2021?
Talk to us at Anytime about automating your bookings and payments to keep your admin to a low so you can enjoy more profit!
Run your pop-up campsite quickly, efficiently and easily with our booking software
You’ll have heard a lot about pop-up campsites in the press lately
A pop-up campsite is a campsite that is temporary; this is typically a flat, accessible field without any facilities.
You can operate a small campsite that only takes tents for 28 days of the year without planning permission, if you make no changes to that field. But since the pandemic, the rules have been changed by the government for 2021 to extend the time-frame temporarily to 56 days.
That’s 56 days of quick and easy income if you are a land-owner! And once the permissions change back to 28 days, your online booking system is still in place if you want to boost your earnings every year with your temporary campsite.
Ask us about our pop-up campsite package!
To maximise your earning power for your pop-up campsite, adoption of our booking software will massively reduce your man hours and admin, streamlining your bookings and payments online. Learn more about some of the features you can enjoy.