Glamping: going somewhere, fast

The outdoor market did once wonder if the glamping phenomenon would fall away just as quickly as it had risen. A simple analysis of the term camping in google searches shows that this is very much a fluctuating seasonal search term, but the term glamping is on the steep incline, all over google, all year round.
The outdoor movement has grown massively, but glamping has enjoyed a notable surge in growth as it appeals to camping and hotel lovers alike. It’s the winning of the hotel lover that is boosting this sector so much, attracting a whole new affluent clientele to the outdoor market, securing the glamping industry well into the future.
There have also been questions about the future security of the staycation. Worries withdrawn. World economy, the threat of terror strikes, Brexit, displaced societies and the refugee crisis and political unrest in the UK have all lent themselves to a strengthening of the staycation trend.
The key to staycation success is really about the value and quality of the experience on offer. What seems to be playing right into the hands of glamping business owners is that the holiday destination itself seems to be becoming less important to the glamping demographic than the actual experience itself, giving them the opportunity to constantly evolve and adapt to win the business.
What should you be thinking about if you are launching a new glamping business?

  • Less location, more experience – while the South West still comes in at number one for glamping destinations, make the most of your offering, provenance and experience. Research the type of glamping that is reaching saturation point in your area and go against the grain. Offer the little extras: thought about bush-crafting, bread-making, wine-tasting, weddings?
  • Pricing – hit the right mark; your prospective visitors should already be fumbling for their debit card as they peruse your gorgeous website.
  • Service and facilities – quality all the way. Look at the finer details of everything. MMFS! Make me feel special!
  • Customer expectations – ignore these at your peril. Glamping customers are ‘seekers’, they all want to ‘find’ something. Make sure they don’t leave your site still looking!
  • Connectivity & accessibility – a top class website with an integrated online booking management system to capitalise on online booking behaviours. Part of your success matrix must be a good PMS (property management software).

Anytime Booking will be your perfect PMS; we have put years into becoming specialists in this market. We work in an agile methodology, constantly inspecting and adapting what the development priorities are, keeping in tune with the nuances and fluctuations of the glamping market.

Vanessa Glossop

Communications Director, Anytime

Vanessa Glossop

Communications Director, Anytime